Should i sleep with my ex who has a new boyfriend
Should i sleep with my ex who has a new boyfriend

should i sleep with my ex who has a new boyfriend should i sleep with my ex who has a new boyfriend

It’s entirely possible to miss your ex and the good parts of your relationship and still hold warm feelings for that time in your life, but to not still be in love with them. It may also be appropriate to try dating and find a new boyfriend or girlfriend before deciding if you still love your ex. That’s why it may be helpful to give yourself some time to adjust and see how you feel then. Missing someone and the comfort and joy they may have provided is not necessarily the same as still being in love with them. Noticing the lack of this person in your daily life can feel painful, but it can be important to not confuse the difficulty of this transition with still being in love.


This is especially true if you lived with them or saw them most every day, texted often, spent a lot of your free time together, and/or relied on them for emotional support. Having a person in your life regularly and then abruptly having them exit can be jarring. In many cases, breakups can feel sudden, and it can be hard to accept the truth. Then, you might consider other possible explanations for what you still feel for your ex-perhaps through journaling or speaking with a therapist-such as: You’re Still Adjusting Research suggests that the pain of rejection activates the same areas of the brain associated with physical pain, so being gentle with yourself and feeling your feelings without judgment can be an important first step. Giving yourself some time to sit with your emotions and come to terms with the breakup first can be helpful, you may reach out to a friend and have a conversation about what happened and what you are feeling now. However, there could be other feelings at play that you may be misinterpreting as love. It’s certainly possible that you’re still in love with them, a scenario we’ll cover below.

Should i sleep with my ex who has a new boyfriend